in disbelief

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in disbelief

更新时间:2024-09-20 05:33:30
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in disbelief

1. Clijsters took her cap off and shook her head in disbelief in the changeover.

2. " It is with disbelief that we struggle to comprehend the events of yesterday, " the Ellsworth family said in a statement issued Saturday afternoon.

3. " It's less than a shilling, " he'd tell her in disbelief.

4. Newly released internal documents showed that Toyota officials visited with US regulators years ago who " laughed and rolled their eyes in disbelief " over safety claims.

5. Djokovic rubbed his eyes in disbelief as he was almost pulled apart by a player who had never won a tour match before this week.

6. Some local officials'tendency to manipulate statistical data has resulted in a degree of popular disbelief in government figures.

7. Greenspan said he was in " a state of shocked disbelief " about the breakdown in the ability of banks to regulate themselves.

8. McGrady put his arms out to his sides in mock disbelief as he trotted down the court.

9. Expatriates who have lived in Beijing for a long time have recently been squinting with disbelief when looking at the sky.

10. The superstar guard was rubbing his eyes in the third quarter, which the Rockets may have been doing in disbelief.

in disbelief的反义词

1. in disbelief的意思

1. Raises one eyebrow as if in disbelief or doubt.

2. Believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e. g. selflessness of others同义词:misanthropic, misanthropical

3. Earlier in the year we watched in disbelief as the Midwest suffered severe flooding which enveloped whole towns and nearly wiped out much of the already strained corn and soy supplies; the terrible devastation of extreme climate change is hard to ignore.

4. This devastating attack on our society was received with disbelief here in Iceland.

5. in disbelief

5. She got me saying sorry through the door, she don't care anymore, she says its too late now, should have thought of this before, but i ain't gonna take this as defeat, no way no way no, cos i'm gonna shout it out to everyone, everyone i meet if you see kay will you tell her that i love her oh yeah if you see kay let her know i want her back if she listens say i'm missing everything about her make sure you say, i'm sweet fa without her if you see kay now i'm sitting here in disbelief, at how it truly broke my heart to have to watch her leave, but she was torn between what she wants and what she needs, they say you love someone enough you gotta set them free, she said that was born to leave this town behind, knew the truth but still she looked me in the eyes and lied, saying its time to cut the ties, time to say goodbye, so she left but she never never left my..
她让我说对不起的门,她不在乎了,她说,现在为时已晚,早该想到这之前,但我不是要去以此失败,绝不绝不没有,余弦我要去喊出来的每一个人,大家见面但我并没有说 soif看到凯你会告诉她,我爱她噢如果您看到凯让她知道,我希望她回如果她听我说的一切对她失踪确保你说,我发甜没有她如果您看到凯现在我坐在这里的疑惑,如何真正打破我的心已看她离开,但她患的是什么,她想和她的需要,他们说你爱你爱的人足够的一套免费,她说,出生离开这个小镇背后,知道真相,但她看着我的眼睛和撒谎,说其时间切断关系,说再见的时候,所以她离开但她从未从未离开过我的。。

6. in disbelief什么意思

6. Rada was incredulous, fuming with rage and ready to strike down the Aun`O, but as he approached the alien his pace slowed, his face turned to utter shock and he froze in disbelief.

7. in disbelief在线翻译

7. I hurriedly opened the book to November 10 to see what words of wisdom this book had in store for me. I did a double-take and tears of disbelief and appreciation rolled down my face. There, on my birthday, was the exact same poem that had helped my father for all these years!

8. Anastrophe--汉语顺成结构(6)In the past 12 months the word has watched with disbelief and dismay theacceleration of force and violence in the region.
过 去的十二个月里,全世界惊愕莫名地和难以置信地看到了这个地区正在加速使用武力和暴力。

9. Anastrophe--汉语顺成结构(6)In the past 12 months the word has watched with disbelief and dismay the acceleration of force and violence in the region.


10. They look in disbelief when they see me get out of my car on driver`s side.

11. Ock then goes rampaging throughout the city, in utter disbelief that not only was he beaten numerous times by a teenager, but of the lost opportunity he had when he unmasked Parker in one of their first encounters (at the time, Peter was severely weakened and Octavius assumed it was an impostor).

12. Suzy and her mother went back to the inn in disbelief.

13. No matter, too, that this time they parted in stunned disbelief, heads shaking, rather than in acrimony, recrimination and spite, as at Cancún in 2003.? ?

14. Those of us who look to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholder equity have to be in a state of shocked disbelief.

15. Over a period of time, people became doubtful and disbelieving, and in their disbelief they put this Sutra away in the attic.

16. Back in Scotland her friends reacted to her loss with disbelief.

17. in disbelief

17. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Then he heard the muffled cry of a baby.

18. Shock and disbelief - that's what the world felt when the Katrina disaster unfolded in the Gulf Coast of United States.

19. All of us who had proliferated the proclamations of our boss could only shake our heads in disbelief. We could not believe that such a strong person would be involved withsuch an evil business at the same time as he was doing such a good jobat building our company.

20. in disbelief什么意思

20. And they explain the reasons for their disbelief in a paper in this week's Science.

  • 临近词
"I just don't get why women do that," he exclaimed to me, shaking his head in disbelief.(“我不明白,她怎么成了这样,”他向我控诉道,难以置信地摇着他的头。)
I stand shivering in my thin rags, still in disbelief that this nightmare is happening.(我穿着单薄的衣服,打着寒颤站立着,仍然不相信这场噩梦的降临。)
"Are you joking?" she asked in disbelief.(“你在开玩笑吗?”她表示不相信。)
I stared at my friend in disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.(我不敢置信地望着我的朋友,他讲的就是我们第一天相遇的故事。)
I am utterly outraged and in disbelief.(我相信我是有点义愤填膺了。)
She shook her head in disbelief.(她摇摇头,不相信。)
When the good burghers of Amsterdam were first presented with a rhinoceros, spectators shook their heads in disbelief.(当善良的阿姆斯特丹市民第一次看到犀牛时,他们都难以置信地摇了摇头。)
Audrey looked at me in disbelief.(奥德丽怀疑地看着我。)
He shook his head in disbelief.(他摇头表示不信。)
She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news.(我告诉她这消息时,她以怀疑的目光注视著我。)
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